Looking to better manage your finances? Apart from renting out your holiday property with Belvilla, you should focus on improving your personal finance skills. Here we bring you the best personal finance blogs a homeowner should follow on the internet.
Foxy Money
It is run by an individual investor Michal from London and he writes topics like personal finance, investments, tax, savings and event life-hacks.
Follow the blog here: https://www.foxymonkey.com/
Financially Free
Jørgen, from Denmark shared his journey of attaining and maintaining financial independance.
Follow the blog here: https://financiallyfree.eu/
The English Investor
This blog shares ideas on savings tips, investments propositions and other money hacks.
Follow the blog here: https://theenglishinvestor.com/
The Wealthy Finn
This blog documents the journey of a Finn to financial freedom.
Follow the blog here: https://www.thewealthyfinn.com/
Revenue Land
Read this blog to gain knowledge on building additional revenue streams.
Follow the blog here: https://www.revenue.land/
The Poor Swiss
A 30-year-old computer scientist living in Switzerland writes about the stock market and other investment topics.
Follow the blog here: https://thepoorswiss.com/
P2P Millionaire
Sterling and Scrappy write on everything related to the P2P lending market.
Follow the blog here: https://p2p-millionaire.com/